“You are so beautiful to me.” Wouldn’t it be wonderful to say these words to ourselves everyday. To wake up and say, ‘good morning beautiful’. To look in the mirror and see the things we love about ourselves. To learn to love what we have always considered our flaws. Our so-called flaws are our uniqueness. […]
Here is to the new way, the new year, the new being-ness of You. May you care, trust, be, honor, flow, and fly in 2022. May we, together, capture the essence of grand humanness. The number 2 is known in regards 2 Self realization and Harmony. There is a new moon any day now. […]
Cat and the Christma...
Animals live in the moment. Each moment, as it happens, animals live in. They can teach me a lot about being in each moment. Staying aware of what is in front of me and bringing my truth to it. Allowing my mind to ‘be here now’ and not on thoughts of what has happened or […]
Moonshadow – to engage in ‘moonshadowing’ is to clear emotions of sorrow and pain by opening to them, honoring them, feeling them and letting them out in whatever loving means feels best and right for you. We often hold these feelings inside our body; often without knowing it. We can bury them deep from childhood. […]
Last Full Moon of th...
The end of 2021 is coming through. We just had the last full moon of the year. Each and every one of us lived under this same beautiful moon. It touched you. It touched me. I’d like to honor it and thank it for its light, its magic and its energy. I like thinking that […]
Christmas – Your Way
When we open ourselves up to what Christmas Spirit is to ourselves, we open up to the Christmas that is best experienced for You. Perhaps, like we are taught to look a certain way, be a certain way; anti-aging is a hugely used word, inflammation and microbiome is very popular; hustle and bustle and wanting […]
U are the Star of Ur...
We live. If you are reading this, you are alive and living your life. This is the life, now and in each moment forward, you are living in and that is living through you. In the light of the darkness; the stillness of your body; the quiet of your mind; the breath of your being… […]
Dreams come true. Miracles happen. Love expands. Our own views build our experiences. Truth creates. Life lives. Light shines. Spirit lifts. Soul connects. Nature and humans ebb and flow. There is only One You. There is only one Univers(e)-ity that can truly teach us to be and do our best in every aspect of our […]
“When people give you advice, they’re basing it on what they would do, what they can perceive, on what they think you can do. But the bottom line is, while yes, it is true that we are all subject to a series of universal laws, patterns, tides, and currents–all of which are somewhat predictable–you are […]
The Other Way
There has been a quietness in my life. It just happened. I wasn’t looking for it. I wasn’t consciously creating it. Change just happened. My friends and family that texted me regularly – most of them became so busy and ‘caught up’ in their own life, that daily morning and evening texts and connections changed/slowed […]