You will feel the most like yourself that you have yet to experience in the depth, perception and love of your purpose; your mission in life; and your ability to connect to, know and speak your truth in every circumstance, situation, relationship and experience that you find yourself in.

You will be the best version of yourself through self-discovery, self-awareness and have the ability to best react, create and live through this discovery and awareness process.

You will know what it feels like to:

  • Go from living and feeling chaos to knowing peace in chaos.
  • Go from doubt to certainty.
  • Go from self-critical to self-supportive.

You will gain tools that help you question, generate, lean into and live from everything within you that is for your highest good.

You will understand and become aware of your habits, ways, reactions and words.

You will be able to focus on your breath, which allows you to enter a state of mindfulness that enables you to focus on the moment-at-hand only.

You will have a better understanding of what holds you back and what lights you up.

You will trust the process of life and trust yourself in the process.  You will be aware of the possibility of divine timing.  

You will be able to free yourself to live as fully as possible in your own true essence.  

You will become your own best friend and truly love yourself.

You will powerfully connect with your own inner voice and not a voice that may be found imbedded inside of you from earlier times and situations.

You will believe that you have everything you need inside of yourself, for your entire lifetime, to live the life that you were born to live.  There is nothing that can stop what is meant for You.  

You will stand firm, strong and gentle in your true essence, feeling like you’ve arrived home within yourself with the freedom to speak your truth fully, lovingly and powerfully with your family, your community and the world.

You will own your soul purpose with innate connection, excitement and gentle strength.  This will also empower those around you and create a space for truth and opening up your greatest path(s) forward.

You will connect, align, witness your inner knowing becoming your outer doing.  You will accomplish all that you desire and that is meant for you and have fun while doing so.

“Just 9Be U” is all about living You to completion.  “Grow Yourself Complete” again and again and again.

Why Nine (9)?

I so badly wanted to just be me that “Just Be U” was born.

Just Be U was not an option to use as my company name because it was legally already taken.  Nine has always been my favorite number.  While out walking one day, I found a “9” sitting on the side of the road.  To this day, I have this “9” on my desk.

When I looked up that nine (9) means ‘completion’, I claimed “Just 9Be U, LLP” as a legitimate and real company; along with the catchphrase “Grow Yourself Complete”.

Nine also corresponds with ‘awakening, enlightenment, lightworker, soul purpose, inner wisdom, empathy, spirituality and universal oneness and love’.  I am deeply fond of these words and their meanings and I hope you, too, will find yourself connecting to some of them, if not all of them.