I come here to see where I am… What is going on with me. What, if anything, do I have to offer just now. It’s been a road for me a bit. An unknown, bleary, dreary, eerie, most beautiful road. The changes that flow through me, that stay a bit, that I don’t allow to […]
Awesome Wisdom
May you know that there is within you an amazingness that is so much greater than any obstacle. Unknown Keep stepping. Keep breathing. Keep being. Keep believing. Keep true to You. Open heart. Open Mind. You were born with everything inside of you that you need for this lifetime. May you “Just 9Be U. Grow Yourself […]
Whatcha Gonna Do
What was. What is. What will be. We do not always have a say about what shows up in our lives to experience. We always have a choice in how we experience what shows up. The experiences and relationships that bloom in our lives —it is our meaning and thought about each one that can […]
Head Game
We all have a brain encased in our heads. It is very rarely a positive idea to get in another’s head. May you stay in your own. Ha. It is a most useful idea to stay in our own mind, thoughts, wisdom, knowledge and experiences; open minded, open hearted. It can get really confusing and […]
Be Aware
“You know you got it if it makes you feel good.” Janis Joplin When I do things that make me happy, these ‘things’ are easy. When I do things that I find myself bored or frustrated or not of me, I find myself feeling ‘other’. It is always a good idea to incorporate things that make […]
I picked a playing card just for fun and looked up the spiritual meaning. It was the ‘9 of Diamonds’. “Your game in life is to graduate to new levels of being, let go of limiting beliefs about human potential, and do the work to serve the collective evolution of human consciousness.” Unknown I am not […]
Day by day, night by night, week by week, month by month. The moon and sun visit us daily. The Moon and Sun rises. The Moon and Sun sets. These are promises that life keeps going. Cycles happen. Storms come and go. Clouds happen. Blue skies happen. Just like in our lives. There are promises. […]
I can handle being hurt. I can trust myself in all situations; through all things. Feeling my hurt and exploring it is more beneficial than freaking out. We all get/feel hurt. May you not hurt yourself. Act in the way(s) that feel(s) right from within You. Be true to the love that is You(rs). Breathe […]
I’m feeling anger come up. The pissed off-ness. The resentment. The ‘ugly’; as I always referred to these feelings as. Noooo. These feelings do not have to be ugly. They surely can be hurtful when not processed in a safe/mindful way. They can look ugly. They have felt ugly. Today, I choose to let […]
The picture in this post is what life feels like to me currently. I feel I am losing my marbles and new ones await. I feel so blessed. I feel often stressed. So much to learn. So much information to imbibe. So much change. War and chaos. Great beauty and love. It is all loud […]