There are many things that could be perceived as mind-blowing in a perceived and/or real messy world.

The weather/climate.   The stories.  Our own experiences.  Our own beliefs.  Natural and manmade disasters.

So much is happening around this world in so many corners of our world.

‘Things’ are happening, perhaps, inside and within each of us as well.

Imagine a clean slate for our world, for each of us, for you.  It is ours for creating/developing/drawing upon.

Just what if this is the opportunity, here now…For the whole human race, all living things and celestial beings.

May we FREE OURSELVES to be who we are and accept and process what we are feeling and allow for what we dream and know to be true from the innermost part of ourselves that is the same for all and makes us as One.

Do no harm.  Care.  Be mindful of your actions and experiences.  Be open minded and open hearted.

Feel what is in your life to experience.  Love through.  Be true.  Be love.

From within you out..

May you live love – live free.