Wow. What a hoot. Lessons do come in the exact right time. If I don’t look at them as lessons, I could be let down, disappointed and life can feel hurtful.
And, when I look at what happens as a lesson, the powerfully empowered possibilities can show up.
I was concerned about getting together a professional session with a special person. I spent hours on updating and clarifying what I wanted to offer and share; mostly about pricing. Pricing is not my most favorite thing to deal with. It just may be my least favorite thing. And, yet, I totally believe that an ‘exchange’ is best for both and/or all parties.
I spent the night before and the day of concerned and reviewing and practicing this unique offer as this was an unique client. We had worked together before. I wanted to have a commitment of some kind so we would both have boundaries and understanding of our professional relationship to guide us going forward during this appointment.
I was as ready as I ever was going to be and I experienced my first ‘no show’. Wow. Hoot. Lesson.
I better see, understand and stand in my conviction now that boundaries, guidelines and pricing help everyone involved. Commitment and a contract between Coach and Client protects the Coach and Client.
It supports the Client into a contract and understanding of the commitment they are making to themselves and to me. It empowers the relationship.
If I had arranged for a signed contract up front, this would be settled. They wouldn’t feel whatever they are feeling missing an appointment (even as it was a true mistake and a communication issue on both our parts) and I would not feel ‘ghosted’. I would feel the situation would have been taken care of in the guidelines of the contract.
So, it is the exact lesson I needed to own my true business self deeper. How cool is that…
It wasn’t the most fun lesson to learn. And, it provided me with just what I needed to step further into the business side of my soul work.
I dig and delve so easily into the soul work and the one-on-one connection. I feel grateful for my innate and learned wisdom to help and support a client. The business book/financial side of it not so much.
It will be interesting to see what I do. I know I feel different. I think I feel more empowered to treat every professional transaction professionally. It is my best way forward for all. I do know this.
May you be open to the ‘lessons’ in front of you just now. I once heard a saying we either win or learn. There can be truth in this; if we so wish.
May you, perhaps, try it on and feel through and look into your lessons. You just may be surprised how life really does happen for You and not to You.
Hang loose. Lean in. Open to learn. Be true to You. Be true to each situation and experience that arises. Be true to the other(s) involved.
My love is present. However, my business brain is tapping more into my ‘Sacred Quest’ sessions. And, it is better this way… for all.
We have a brain, a heart, a soul and a body for real reasons. May we align them all into everything it is best to involve them all in. Ha.
The number 3 is about believing that you are on the right path in your life. It can be about communication, creativity and optimism.
It is my hope that you stay open, through communication, creativity and optimism, to being on the right path for Your life.