Life. We are living it in this moment and every moment. You are living it. I am living it. We are living life now. This is it. No more, no less. This is you living your life; me living mine.
I sometimes ignore, bury, shut down, don’t deal with or act like certain things have not really or are not really happening in my life.
Like the ‘elephant in the room’ that many of us humans are so good at ignoring – just by not going ‘there’. The ‘dirt swept under the rug’ that somewhere in our being we are kind of, sort of aware of and yet, most of our ‘beingness’ doesn’t touch it; think about it, or know how to clean it up.
Most of us humans have gotten so good at completely not ‘going there’. Whether we just don’t want to, do not know how, are scared of, or just so not wanting to feel what it will make us feel by ‘going there’.
There are many things we humans have learned how to do instead of ‘taking care of (certain) business’. Self-medicate and/or become addicted. There are a whole lot of things in life that we can choose to be addicted to. We fall into addiction(s) so we can just let the ‘elephant’ and the ‘dirt’ be; let it alone – focus on something else. We will do almost anything to not fall into the elephant or the dirt.
How hurtful we can be to ourselves. What comes to mind is ‘sometimes we are are own worst enemy, may we be our own best friend’.
May You be Your Own Best Friend.
I had just written, in my notes, some recent and favorite sayings to use in a future blogpost. It seems like this just may be the ‘future blogpost’ I wrote them down for. !
Here goes:
“Undress Your Soul” Peggy Wycoff
“Shatter into Wholeness” Susan Grace
“Dream Yourself Awake” Jimmie Lee Rene
“Grow Yourself Complete” Lisa Ungerer
And my all time favorite oldies by goodies:
“Be Here Now” Ram Dass
“The Power of Now” Eckert Tolle
“We all just want to matter.” Oprah Winfrey
“Trust the process of Life.” Louise Hay
May you live life through your reality in each moment, situation, experience and relationship. Let your loving truth guide and lead You.
Open to gentleness, awareness, vulnerability, and You being You. Honor and respect reside here. Beautiful and peace happen here.
Thank You.