My mind has ducks and ‘quacking’ up on it.  There are two ducks out front waddling around the neighborhood.  I assume a Mr. and Mrs. looking for a place to nest.

I have a big mother/daughter (extra long) weekend planned, so, as I think of the fun that is about to be had up in here, I think about quacking up.   It is always good to have yourself a ‘quack’ up time every so often.  Big fun!  I wish that for you.

Everyday there is a physical struggle for me in it.  Mostly in the mornings lately.  I find myself laying in bed for one or two hours before I get up and actually start my day.  What comes to mind is that for years (truly) I would hear myself every morning saying I don’t want to get up.  Well, I am now not getting directly up.   It feels good.  It feels healing.  I have some guilt because it feels so good.

Why, pray tell, would I ever allow guilt in because I am doing something that feels good; whole; for me…  That is something I must rectify and, like, now…

May you allow yourself to do what feels good to you and for you and may you do it with complete allowance, openness and love; to your very best ability and with your greatest of ease.

This is what I wish for you today…  and always.