I’d like to wish each and every mom, mother-in-law, acting mother, like a mother Mom a Happy Mother’s Day.

There is no love like a mother’s love.

Our world is better because you are a mom.

Only a mom knows what it is like to give up almost everything to love someone with everything they have.  To support someone to be the best that they can be.  To allow a relationship to be prompted through the needs (and desires) of a child.  To do without a shower; without sleep; without sitting quietly and not being disturbed.

My mother-in-law would always say after someone had a baby that “oh my, they sure know something that they did not know before” and she would be correct!

So, if you are a mom, like a mom, acting mom… I want to thank you and hope that you know your awesomeness.  Life goes, is, and flows more lovingly because of you!

We surely are everything to our children.  They are our greatest teachers.  They are forever touched by us as we are by them.  What we put out, give, teach, show and live is seen, shared, and passed on to our children forever.  How we live it is up to us.  How they receive it is up to them as they get older.  The responsibility of this – WOW.

May we put out, give, teach, show and live the best of us not only for them but for ourselves.

Happy Mother’s Day!  May you be showered, fed and know peace within!
