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I took this picture last night.  I am amazed at all the stars that are shining through and showing up.  I am touched by the deep beauty.  I connect to a silence that is in the air and I feel myself filling up with it. The look, feel, sound and charm of silence.  It is […]



Often when something is very important to us, we may carry within us a serious fearful strength and dedication. When we want to obtain or achieve something, we can, sometimes, try too hard. How about if we believe that what is meant to be, nothing will stop it from being and we can relax in […]



Here is a thought.. ! What if every time we found ourselves being true to our self through meeting a need, fulfilling a desire, showing up as our self in any situation, growing a dream into a creation, doing what we truly want to do…  Let what we hear, feel and know be so as […]

Adventure of a Lifet...

Adventure of a Lifetime

We all have an abstract nature unique unto ourselves.  This is the adventure and beauty that energizes our soul and uplifts life and living.  This is you ‘Just 9Being You’!.  Every thing that is true You, through love and innate knowing flows with the Universal flow. May we invite this abstract nature to run through […]

Good Day

Good Day

Do you know what you told yourself this morning about the day to come… How we spend; be in; participate with; think, during our mornings waking up, can set the mode/mood for each and every moment and our entire day. Do you realize you transition from sleep to waking up to starting a new day… […]



There is a spiritual awakening happening; an enlightenment.  It is about us looking at life differently.  We are different in our lives.  We are experiencing ourselves and life in new ways; different ways.  We are questioning what is.  We are questioning. I walk through time and moments with greater awareness.  I stand in greater connection.  […]



Jellyfish can teach us not to resist life but to let it guide us naturally.  Let life flow naturally. Meet ourselves at the edge, depth and spaces within our life.  Reflecting our truth, love and trust within and throughout everything that we are and everything that is, is one of the most beneficial ways to […]



We all breathe.  We all have a heart.  We all have a mind.  Sometimes, I engage mine more than other times.  Yet, it is always available within and through me. Use your mind.  Use your heart.  Breathe.  Flow. When we use all that is ours, we are most whole and vivacious.  When we leave parts […]

Happy October

Happy October

Happy October.  May we open to ownership of our own innate knowing; our truth of how we are choosing to experience our life situations; and standing firm in our purpose and reason for being. What makes you happy…  What are you good at…  What fulfills your soul and fills you up… Do and be what […]



Integrity – “the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished” Wow.  What a session I had with a fabulous life coach yesterday.  Holy Moly.   A new mantra came out of it for me and it reads like this…  “I live in my integrity and I find great comfort in it.”  Bam.  Boom.  Wham.  Powerfully empowered.  […]