May Your Time be now. Your time to connect and openly and truthfully realize and live in your truth; your feelings; your needs; your wants; your dreams. To create your days and your way of being from all that which is happily You.
What does make you happy? Perhaps, name five (5) things.
What do you need? Again, list five (5).
What do you want? Five (5).
What dream comes forward most when you think about living your dream.
What is one thing you can do somewhat easily to pull it into your reality? To reach in that direction…
I read a cool thing yesterday asking what is anger? The answer was hurting one’s self because of one’s own reaction to something or someone. May you not be hurtful to yourself.
May you be gentle and loving to yourself.
In the joy that this provokes are so many cool answers towards being the best of yourself; now and in the future.
My wish is that you open up to it being your time.
I wish you your truth with your heart, mind and soul in unison, your ‘cool’ on and your needs, wants and dreams becoming your existence and living your life with ‘just being you’.
Free. True. Trust.
If fear is present, acknowledge and walk through it.
When love is present, let it ride shotgun. May love always be your way. Love empowers. Choose love.
When what is beautiful and different about you prospers, so does your life and experience of living.
Hell to the Yes.