Shine on Beautiful You. Shine On.
You. You are the only one like You. You are the one that creates the experience of You. You choose. You feel. You witness. You breathe. You respond. You are. You.
I am the one that responds to my surroundings. You are the one that responds to your surroundings. We both could be surrounded by the same experience and there could be very different responses.
Today we may feel one way. Tomorrow, with the same situation, another.
It is our mood, our mind, our feelings and in the moment experience that comes forth.
We get to choose. I get to choose. You get to choose.
With awareness of our reaction, we get to keep and/or alter our responses to every stimuli that occurs.
Only You create the response for You…. Good news/Bad news…. Hmmm.
Are you feeling good with your responses… Are you being true to your response…. Are you being the best of You when you respond… Are you responding through love or other…
May you feel the most genuine as You respond to your surroundings. May you invite your own love inward and out.
Delve into the awareness of You being You. With kindness, truth and love
May you be your own sunshine.