You are beautiful.

You are love(d).

You are unique.

You were made to be.

Honor your uniqueness.

Honor what makes You unique.

See it. Know it.  Live it.  Breathe it.  Be it.

All of the resources.  All of nature.  All through the cycle of life.  And there is only one You.

Can life and living get any cooler than that…

I take many pictures of the same view of the sky and salt water.  I take many pictures of the sun and the moon.

No two are identical.

Just like You and I, we are meant to be unique.

May you be what makes you You.

May you love what makes you You. 

May you share what makes you You.

Because You are so, You matter.

You matter by just being You.

Let love.  Let trust.  Let truth.  Let You be so.

Take a bow.  I applaud You being You.

Your heart. Your light.  Your issues.  Your authentic, natural, divine self.

You are so enough.  It is beautiful, lovely and unique how so enough You are.

YOU.  The splendor of You.  The wisdom of You.

Emanating You – Priceless.