The truthful power of you and acceptance of yourself attracts everything that is meant for You.  Nothing you need do but bring your loving truth into all you experience.  Let your loving truth flow into and through everything You.

What is meant for us will always happen.  What is not meant for us never will.   As we stand in our loving truth, the flow of life – beautiful amazing life – flows the brightest and easiest.

Being your true, authentic self in every moment, breath and experience and accepting what You are feeling is one of the very best ways of going through your life.

May you let yourself free to be true, open, loving and trusting of You.

Just Be U.  “Just 9Be U”  “Grow Yourself Complete”…  by being true to everything You from your own loving ways.

Oh the power and empowerment in this; just being You…

May You know it, live it, be it and follow it.

I wish you your beautiful, bright flowing ways.