May you capture your true essence and grow, sparkle and shine from this… you are made to live fully and all that You are.
YOU. ‘Just 9Be U’. “Grow Yourself Complete” again and again and again. You are the only You! Very cool indeed. !! You know You like no one else can.
May you be extra kind and loving to You. Which, in turn, supports extra kindness and loving to (y)our world.
You know what you love – surround yourself with more of this.
You know what you don’t like – surround yourself with less of this.
Within the truth of You, may you live from trust that your instinct; the gifts your were born with are your greatest gifts. Your uniqueness is your superpower.
Stand grand and tall up into the sky and let your roots and foundation that is your story and your life grow deep from the center of the Earth.
Your core knowing, your instinct, your gut, your innate knowing is where and when magic happens loudest when you own the core of everything that you are. Let the essence of You be deeply grounded and reach beyond and past infinity.
Your true essence is meant to be lived, shared, owned and bright. Let it be so.