Most of us are, now, living life worldwide.
Worldwide shipping. Worldwide meetings. Worldwide Connection. Worldwide energies. Worldwide knowledge.
We have had a worldwide tragedy. We have experienced a worldwide loss. We are still experiencing the experiences of this worldwide pandemic.
If there can be a tragedy worldwide, can there not be a worldwide peace epidemic… A contagion of love, peace, honor and respect.
I believe there can be.
If I am not adding to/creating it, may I support the ones that are; the things that are.
My concern is for human life; all life. I care.
The world I wish to live in and dwell in is a world where authenticity and genuineness is rampant and supported.
I don’t think we will all think, feel and behave the same. I do think we can think, feel and behave in a way that is open to each others’ thinking, feeling and behaving in each others’ own way.
We can still be respectful and kind. We can be loving and open.
Our hearts and minds connected through our souls can live in a peaceful and exciting world starting from the inside out.
Following our dreams, desires and joy, we can reach them through honor and love.
May all our own dreams, desires and joys live together in harmony, honesty, openness and respect.
Who I am deep within me honors who you are deep within you. Namaste’.
You are me and I am You. We are birthed from the same-ness.
May we open to a new world where the best things in life are contagious through our own truths and through the trust in the process of life; starting with ourselves.
May we give up the pursuit and allow each other to just be who we are. What we are here to do. What we are here to be.
May all our callings be answered by the ones getting the call. May we all feel the love that we came here with.
Honor. Grace. Gratitude. Abundance. Love.
Follow your heart. Listen to your soul. Just be the You that is loving and true.
Worldwide Epidemic of Reality, Love, Truth, Trust and Honor.
This is the world I live in my being. It is the world that I invite us all to step in and create together.
Thank You for Your Love.
Get it. Be it. Answer the Call.