May you go deep, wide, low, high, through the beauty that is You(rs).  

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”  Margaret Wolfe Hungerford

Can I get a witness?

Ha!  Hoot!

Beauty.  Beautiful.  Beautified.  BeaUtiful.  Boom.

We all enjoy beautiful things.  What is beautiful to me may not be beautiful to You.  What is beautiful to You is what matters most to you in your life.

I know there is beautiful in everything; everyone, everywhere.

It stands out stark and easy.  It hides within some very rough moments.  It drifts through.  It slithers past.  It emits from.  It vibes with us.

When we look for beautiful things, we see them.

If you want to see what is beautiful to you, all you need do is look and be open to it.

I’m believing that you create beauty as well.  I believe you are it too.

Beauty.  It is in the eye of the beholder.  Can I get a witness?

May you be a witness to what is beautiful in your life.