Life.  Who’d have thunk it that we would have experienced what we have and are experiencing more and more as a whole ‘New World’ (new way of life) than ever before.

I know a few, including myself, that believe(d) we were going to experience a ‘oneness’, a togetherness, a more united front than ever before at some point.

I never could have imagined it was going to come in the back way, through harsh realities and deep, major changes to just about every one of us; if not each and every one of us here on Earth now.

While life can be extremely exasperating at times, there is still beauty, still miracles happening everyday and most of us care greatly for one another and our planet, et al.  New possibilities are rising and showing up everywhere.

We are creating this New World.  

I believe many of us, including me, are here – came here – was born to be present, here and now, for just this reason.

My eyes have caught this sentence a few times recently..  –If you ever felt like you didn’t fit in, perhaps, it is because You are here to create a new and different way–.  Something to that effect.  Perhaps, it is You.  Perhaps, it is all of us, here now, alive and living; learning, growing, becoming, being.  

May I offer to live in your truth as it and you are now; with an open heart and an open mind.  Do your best to not live in a made-up mindset of a possible future.  Live in the truth within yourself in every breath you take.  Live in the truth of your reality, as it is now, with an openness and possibility that it is not always possible to know 100% for certain and/or without any doubt the many things that are not within us.  Everything outside of us, we can only guess and/or create a most probable untruth and unreal experience of what is actually happening.  

May You choose to enjoy what you have and where you are now as you reach for and create what You want.

This is my wish for each of us to live in the now through our own love and open possibilities with a new kind of awareness and becoming best friends with our own innate wisdom.

Let’s get it on.