There is one thing always for sure .. Breath.  Breathing.

To experience the breath, your breath, can support in you everything You.

We all breathe.  Often, we may take it for granted.  Plenty of us do not.  Some cannot.   Yet, if we are here alive, air is going in and out of our lungs.

O2 in.  CO2 out.  Trees give off oxygen that we breathe in.  We give off carbon dioxide that trees use to sustain.  Ahhh.  Nature.

I would like to offer to consciously become aware of your breath.   Play with it from time to time.  Watch it.  Take deep slow long breaths.  Take quick fast shallow breaths.  Blow out while pushing your stomach in through a continuous rhythm.  Thank your breath.  Be one with your breath.

Notice the air may be cooler breathing in.  The air may be warmer breathing out.

Being aware of one’s breath and allowing gratitude and peace within is a gift to the gift of breathing freely and easily.  Awareness of our breath may better support our life.

In our awareness and gratitude of our breath there is a grace and wisdom that can be connected to. Being connected to the awareness of each breath can connect us to the innate knowledge that presents itself through our breath awareness.  In the silence of mentally focusing on and following our breath, we open up to what is possible for our life.

Breath and breathing.   This is magic too.  We need not participate for it to occur.  That is the function we were born with to live and to be alive.

Have you opened to the wisdom that comes with acknowledging your breath.

Experiment.   Experience.   Be

Easy evolving and growing You.

Honest and true breath.

The rite of passage always includes the breath.   Deep healing includes the breath.   Easy flow includes the breath.

Breathe and may you know that You are.   

Breath and You.  It can connect you to everything and anything that is.

You and breathing.

May you experience the magic that is within your breath and all the wisdom of you breathing You.