The world…  Our world…

Your part; your energy; your offering; your being; your doing; you are becoming.

Everything that you are and everything that is meant for You will come.  Nothing will or can stop it from being so.  Also, what is not for You, will not be so no matter what happens or what you bring yourself to or what you open yourself up to.  This is the way it is supposed to be.  And, it just may be brilliant.

The saying that when one door closes, a window opens, etc. etc. happens all the time.

In divine timing, within the divine plan, through divine guidance, wisdom, separation and togetherness… Life – your life is happening now.

As your day and the time and moments in your day click by – you and your life are happening.

May you participate from the best and most favorite parts of yourself; as often and as much as possible.

May you participate from the most true and honest parts of yourself; as often and as much as possible.

Oh the windows and doors that are going to be opening up for You. !!  Get ready cause here they come. !!

Let the door(s) that close(s) and the window(s) that open(s) [and vice versa] happen.   Let life, opportunity and possibilities happen for You not to You.  Participate in the life that is Yours.   Participate in the life that is You.

Amen.  And so it shall be.  And so it is.  Always.
