When we love ourselves just where we are, we win.  Every time.

May you love yourself just where You are; as You are.  May you win as often and as much as possible.  

Love.  Truth.  They do uplift us and set us free.

To be who you are with awareness and gentleness towards one’s self is, perhaps, the strongest strength we own and encounter.

“This above all:  To thine own self be true.  And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.”  William Shakespeare

It is time.  The world and the way of the world needs us to own and portray who we really are.

Let what is inside of us to lovingly show on the outside of us.

Trust the process of life.  Trust the process of your life.  Trust the process of You.

Even if the way you are feeling is not easy or feels scary to face, live in it as much as possible with the intent to let living in it create the best way into your whole life and beingness.  Free.  With ease.  Allow gentleness.  Tolerance.

Know that this is Your best way forward for You and all those you love and that love you and for our world as a whole.

It is through being who we were born to be without pretense or hesitation that life fully and solidly is so.

May you open to your life being so – exactly as you are – with open mind and heart from a quietude within your being so that your soul may speak and shine through You.

How remarkable You were/are born to be.

Our uniqueness is our superpower.  In living in, through and from this uniqueness, we all win.

May you let your love lead You.