You were born to be. To Be U.
The you that you feel and know inside. The you that thinks, sees, experiences. The watcher of you thinking, seeing, feeling, The you that is You.
May you know and be who you are through your own internal guidance.
Each of us is unique. Sure, we have similarities but the overall beingness of each of us vibrates through our own breath and experiences.
We are the only ones that have lived and live the life that is for each of us.
You are the only one that knows what it feels like to Be U.
You are the only one that spends your entire life with U.
Honor yourself. Be aware of yourself. Love yourself. Learn to love yourself fully and wholly.
It is in your honor of your uniqueness that you best thrive.
Through self-love and honor, Live.
As you live through the truth of your experiences, through love, magic happens.
Freedom. Communication. Dreams. Reality… You. Yours.
May you be and live through the marvel that is You.
May you find your way, the best balance, for You between “go get em” and ‘stay, get You’.