I come to type here and I hear myself asking myself ‘what’s up’ with no easy or quick reply. Hoot.
Perhaps, too much is ‘up’. There is a lot of stuff up. There is also stuff that is over, changing, becoming, leaving, buried, ignored, overplayed and happening.
Life is happening. You are happening. That is, just maybe, what is up.
How are You in this moment… What are you feeling… What are you experiencing… What is going on… What is going down… How are you handling your reaction to it… How are you stepping in it and through it…
That is what’s up.
May you love yourself through.
May you be extra kind to You.
May you be extra gentle with You.
May you be your own best friend.
May you do it if it feels right, true and loving.
May you fully enjoy and embrace it.
May you change it if it doesn’t.
If you can’t change it, may you change how you see it and/or experience it while fully being in it.
Living in and through our truth does set us free. Opens us up to all that we are.
Whatever the ‘it’ is in just this moment now.
The only way really through it is through it.
May you walk in your ‘now thing’, forward and through, in your truth and your trust of the process of life and of yourself.
That is what is up.. just maybe.
You know your life best. Honor it. Honor You.
In this, we honor life and all that lives. May it be so. It is so as we open to letting it so.
Thank You.
You and Your Life Matter.
You and Your Energy Vibration(s) Matter.
You being true to You through love, kindness and gentleness not only really matters and empowers You, this is what opens our majestic energies that matters and empowers all.
May we lift each other up in supporting each other’s ‘what’s up’ through love, kindness and gentleness. Let the truth of You and Your Now present itself, be present and be the present to the change that awaits you through you living your truth through love.