It is almost midnight and I am not feeling sleepy and something kept urging me to come to the computer.  So here I am.

It is my hope that you are knowing happy sleep, deep sleep, healing sleep and rejuvenating sleep; at times, if not always.

Trust whatever You are feeling.  Delve into it with the intent to honor, recognize and love on yourself.  Your love matters.  You matter.

Fighting what is can sometimes make the ‘it’ stronger.  Going into what is and participating from a place of wanting to understand and support can often change the ‘it’.

Fill yourself with the gloriousness of You and let the wisdom and love of You(rs) take place within and along with whatever you experience.

When/If you find yourself not being able to sleep, one can breathe deep and focus on your deep breaths.  One can relax into one’s self and let the bed underneath you support you and your whole body.  With every deep breath you take, relax deeper and deeper with every exhale.  The goal would be to get to the place where you are not asleep but completely relaxed, being, breathing, accepting, flowing with the place and experience you are in.  The place of not awake but not yet asleep.  The quiet place.  The silent place.  The place of you and your ‘beingness’.   This is where healing takes place.  Answers shine through.  Blood flows.  Cells rejuvenate.  Happiness seeps through.  The depth of You becomes known.

It is a sacred place full of your sacredness.  You can imagine yourself floating on a cloud.  Surrounded by comfort and love.  Filled with peace.  Knowing the joy of being You.

Miracles happen every day.  Sometimes we no longer (or never did) see experiences as miracles because they feel like they are a ‘normal’ part of life.  Yet, breathing, just being, feeling, acknowledging and being aware of your full presence in each moment – miracles.

Who you are without your titles, without your accolades, without your issues, this You is where miracles come from.

When we are on our deathbed, noone says they would have worked harder, pushed more, had more titles.  Most people remember the relationships and the love.  This is what we take on with us.

May you be present with your love in anything and everything You do, think, are; become, grow into and experience.  Love is what best connects us to the place deep inside of us, with the universe, with each other and our greatest joys and times.  

You are love.  You matter.  Your love.  Your wisdom.  Your uniqueness.  Your experiences.  Your truth.  Your trust.  Your thoughts.  Your reactions.   These are what make you You and what creates your life.

Trust that where you are now is exactly where you are supposed to be.  Love it or not, what you experience is supporting your best growth, shows you about life and living.  As you let loving truth, your love/your truth, walk in and through with You, your best paths and best possible experience(s) show up, build, create and support your lessons and the possibility of your greatest possibilities and ways.

Sleep matters.  What matters more, perhaps, is your flow with what is – true to You, loving to You, open to You.

As you stand in your most highest vibration, you invite the highest vibrations to You.  When you are in a fulfilled moment, filled with what fulfills You, this is when, just maybe, You live and share the greatest kindness and the greatest feelings, the ‘greatest of’ with others.

It is best when we are happy and fulfilled to be able to give the best of ourselves into the world.

I can imagine..  I have experienced..  I have witnessed..

May the best of ourselves unite together and may we feel the gloriousness of this unity growing, becoming and experienced as a normal every day thing that feels miraculously wonderful.

Not that everything is perfect or even issue free but that living this way picks us up, lives out loud from love and we know that we are in a safe, amazing environment that supports us always and underneath it all, or is it above it all, we find ourselves okay through it all.  We are never not okay even when we don’t like the experience, feeling, moment we are living in.  Because this is life and we are living our best one; individually, together.

I bow my head and pray.  For You.  For Me.  For Us.  We love through our truth because our cells, organs, spirit and soul know this is the best way to live this thing called LIFE.   Yours.  Mine.  Ours.

Amen.  May it be so.  It is so.  It is a choice.  May you choose You(r best).