I have not had the drive to write. I have no information bubbling up inside that is asking to be shared. Not much is coming through me that wishes to come through my fingers to type out.
Whatcha gonna do.
I come here open to seeing what may show up.
Courage was a topic today that was discussed. Courage being the thing that shows up when fear is present. Courage can be about doing something anyway regardless of when the fear of same is present.
Fear is our mind’s way of protecting us whether it is necessary to or not. Our brain is a mechanism that holds records and experiences and applies them to the present. It can be a real task to change and/or support the brain in a new direction thanking it for the desire to protect us.
It can be an ongoing thing to battle and reestablish the way of our own brain. You are worth to do so.
That is what you may wanna do.
I feel me being quiet is about keeping energy, breath, strength, change, flexibility and growth in transforming and adapting to life in general; my life, myself, and meeting all things through who I am and what is showing up to propel, invite, navigate and uplift me in moving forward through a new awareness and the truths within myself.
Whatcha gonna do.
I believe, and this is my story that feels best to honor, our world wants love… the earth, the animals, the people, the way of being in this everchanging and new world. Love.
We want to matter We want to be. We want to breathe easy. We want to be free to live free in the autonomy of a good, clear, uplifting and loving way.
What are we gonna do…
May we easily and intentionally – because it feels best – opening – opened to – allowing love, truth and free authenticity possess us as we possess it.
That’s what I’d like to offer and believe we are going to do. Doing even.
Get out of our own way and free ourselves to “Just Be U” and to let our love.
Create through what fills us up. What makes our cells happy. What feels happiest to believe and to do…
May you do yourself the honor of honoring You.