Like many words in the English language, the word ‘watch’ holds different meanings; and then some.
One can wear a watch. One can be on the lookout; hold a vigilant watch. One can watch outside of themselves. One can witness one’s self.
The song “I always feel like somebody’s watching me” comes to mind by “Rockwell”. There has been an amount of different someones I have imagined watching me.
I now watch myself watching myself. I am the observer of what I do, think, say, feel and experience. I am also the one doing, thinking, saying, feeling and experiencing.
One can be on watch; wear a pocket watch; watch out for oncoming traffic/storms/gifts.
What matters most is the thoughts and words I put on these ’watch moments’. How my mind perceives them. What I tell myself.
A cute little squirrel makes me smile watching me and letting me near without fear.
Fear can often be made believe.. watch that.
Love can conquer fear. Trust conquers fear. Telling myself I am safe and believing it conquers fear.
Let us change to looking out for love, beauty, fun and support if you do not do so already.
Let us let go of fear, unkindness, ugly, UnFun and harsh judgement.
May we be like this squirrel and hang out in trust, good food for thought and dang cuteness.
Watch your thoughts and create and allow thoughts that are uplifting, supporting, loving and cute. Ixnay on the ones that are not.