Breathe. Take a deep cleansing breath. Let your body relax. Let go…
Now, if you would like…
Imagine yourself laying on a cloud; a soft, fluffy cloud. Imagine it enveloping you gently. Feel yourself sinking into this cloud and it totally supporting you. The temperature is perfect. You experience great comfort… You feel totally safe.
Now imagine this cloud taking you to a beautiful place. Perhaps, your most favorite place…
Feel how this place makes you feel. See the sights that make you happy. Smell the smells that bring you comfort. Feel the air caressing your body. Hear the sounds that bring you peace.
Just stay in this beautiful place and enjoy it. Relax into it. Be one with it. Breathe. Feel. Be. Experience…
Now, staying in this relaxed and comfortable state, come back to here; to now. Continue breathing. And go on about your way.
May you know gratitude for your blessings. Namaste’.