Sleep is important for many reasons. My most favorite reason is to just know, breathe and experience quietude. There is nothing I want to figure out. There is nothing I need do. There is a peace within, a relaxing of my cells and a rehabilitation and regeneration of my cells for my brain and my body.
How amazing the human body is. Most of us need do nothing just to breathe. Our bodies do it automatically. Our brains signal information to our bodies automatically and vice versa. The connection between our minds and our bodies is real and scientifically documented.
When I don’t sleep, which is happening often lately between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m., I don’t have the opportunity to go into ‘sleepland’. I like sleepland. It is a very enjoyable place for me to visit. I am finding myself journeying from being in ‘awakeville’ to sleepland and back again. It is a short distance as I find myself going back and forth often. I go many times throughout the night from sleep to not asleep. From sleep to being awake.
I feel myself checking to see if I have my glasses on. Do I have the book that I am reading in my hand. I wake up from dreams and bring them forward with me to awakeville. I go in and out often which seems to make it easy to remember my dreams and I find myself keeping these dreams with me between asleep and awake.
I awake thinking to google something. I awake doing leg extensions or sit ups. I fall asleep breathing mindfully and deeply. There seems to be such a fine line – an overlap – to what I do sleeping and what I do awake just now.
I tell myself, because of certain information I have read that feels true, that I am getting ‘downloads’ during the night. I am transforming, growing, learning and becoming in huge waves. I am adding to who I am. I am letting go of some of what I am. It feels like a very interesting time for me.
I don’t find myself stressed or freaked. I am trusting the process of this. If I could push a button, I believe I would push the sleep button at night and the awake button for the day. I have no such buttons that I am aware of. So, I accept this, trusting the process of my sleepless times and my awake times. It feels very cool to me. I feel gratitude and blessed.
When Corona first happened is when I first experienced sleeplessness on a different level. I heard myself telling myself that I was ‘holding space’ for our world and sending out love, prayers and more love. This was my ‘job’ then. My purpose. Sounds a bit goofy to me. Felt very true and real to me.
Now, it feels as though it is my job to experience this sleeplessness as my call to sharing what I have learned in this lifetime on the subject of humanness and suffering; humanness and love; being human and being true to the moment of what is and who I am and what I am experiencing.
The paths that bring me to my own ‘stairway to heaven’ are best present during and living in my authenticity. It is my goal, calling, love and joy to support whoever shows up that chooses to want this for their self. To be a catalyst for them to create and walk their own stairway to heaven and enjoy the lightness, joy, trust and truth of living these steps while walking home to their authentic self.
May you walk the unique steps and staircase that are yours to walk. During your sleep and into your awakening.
The magic of your raw authenticity, through love, is the most loving and empowering life You can live.
May you let You happen and build up (grow) the You that knows how to get to the top of your life and live in it, thrive through it and share of it; the best of You which, in turn, offers others to do the same just by your example.
Now, this is super cool.
May you be super cool. Your truth. Your trust. Your love. Your life. Your way.