I have recently been going through saved items; meaningful things [to me] that I have saved since I was a child. Oh yes, these things are decades to half a century old. Yikes and how fun.
Reliving the memories of the stuff I have collected, held onto for the reasons I did.
From fun girlfriend times to memories of my elders to sibling shares to old loves and all sectors of me. All of it full of my own love ‘potion’.
Boxed away and almost forgotten.
Yet, I realize that it is all a part of who I am. All a part of my growth. All a part of me now, still.
Everything you have experienced and has had meaning to You is inside of You, living through You.
I’m experiencing the happy side of it all; going down memory lane.
I come across a school project and realize the confirmation of what I’ve already believed. That we are innately filled with who we are when we are born. The unique pieces of us get ‘played’ again and again in many different ways that are most definitely not always conscious but most definitely ‘built in’. The ‘potions’ of what makes you You. They get deepened, altered, and, perhaps, challenged but they remain steadfast for the most part.
I want to share with you sentences that I wrote when I was around age 12 which is so the basis of who I am and what I am about; what I am here to present.
I also found where I wrote about what I’d like for my future…
Well, six kids never happened but I was a ‘secretary’. What I found most amazing is my innate and gut instinct to living a truthful, loving and authentic life. To Just Be Me.
May you “Just 9Be U”. “Grow Yourself Complete” again and again and again.
May you be open to your innate wisdom and gut instinct. Your instinctual wisdom is truly real and unique and will guide you and give you your contentment, fulfillment and truth. It will encourage and teach you trust. It will give you the feeling that you are always ‘home’ as You are doing, being and living the life that is inside of You to live.
May you get on letting You get on… !!