It is ‘U’ time. There is an Univers(ity) inside of you.
Honor yourself.
The way you feel. The way you are. What you know. What you think. Who you were before anyone told you who to be, what to do, what to feel and/or not feel.
Everything You.
May you honor You.
Everything you feel is there for real reasons.
You. YOU. The truth of You is your unique and ultimate gift. All your glory. All your pain.
May you open up and free your authentic, innate self.
This is what I know I am begging myself to do deeper and more. It can be UnFun. It can be exhausting. Whatever I have enjoyed being, I can create again. I can add onto. I can create anew. It is freeing, exhilarating and the best I can be for myself and for others.
When I share my authentic self, I open to the freedom of Just Being Me.
When I live in the freedom and ease to be me, I invite you to do the same for You.
Let freedom dry up all this ‘mess’ that many of us are experiencing and turn it into as many harmonious opportunities as possible.
I wish you the freedom to ‘Just Be U’. To connect to and let your love (for) lead.
Let your freedom energize your life and let your love ring in, out and around the experience of being You.