
We are living our lives; right here, right now.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.  Our lives are now.

It is a compilation of all the feels, situations, relationships and, perhaps, the most important relationship is the one we have with our self.

I am the only one that I will spend my entire life with.

You are the only one that You will spend your entire life with.

As we let life flow through us, the flow is the total experience.

We may ‘stop’ at a certain thought, a certain situation or experience.  We may pick and choose what we pay attention to; what we give our attention to.  We may stay longer in one emotion and skip over others.  This is not the flow of life.  This is our [trained] brain telling us to dwell here.  It is okay to be aware of and ask ourselves if we really and truly want to.  It is okay to be mindful if it uplifts and creates the experience of life we desire.

It is okay to pick your happiest possible You in all that shows up.

We create our experience through our thoughts, emotions, beliefs and feelings.

May you let your thoughts, emotions and feelings come and go.  Do not land in or hold on to any.  Let them happen.  Let them be so.  

Do your best to not judge and to experience without judgment.  And let life flow through You.

May you let You happen in this way of truth, trust and experiencing all that comes and all that goes.

May you let yourself flow with the flow of living; the flow of life.

As we trust the process of life and as we trust ourselves to know and be able to walk in and through anything and everything that comes our way, the wonder of life stays as our situations, experiences and feelings come and go.

It is supposed to be this way.  We are here to experience life on earth through our very own unique beingness.  This is the human experience.

Through the depth of ourselves, we rise up, breathe, be, do and live.

We are all having quite the journey just now.  Just now, just maybe, the greatest possibilities come through the flow of us living our loving truth out loud.

It is what it is and it is okay.

When we look at our track record of 100% survival rate up to now, may we realize the most full journey of ‘You’ is meant to be so.

As our hearts and minds flow through our soul, we know that trust, truth and love are what will bring us the best life flow as possible.

May you flow in, through and on in your trust, truth and love.