Too much information (TMI).  Here. There. Everywhere.  My brain is on overload.  I find it not so easy to process all the information that is available to me here and now.  A constant bombardment of information is swirling around, available at our fingertips 24/7, comes through conversation with our family and friends and even from far across the oceans.  We are able to hear and know ‘it all’… or what can feel like it all.

We are being ‘hit’ through so much technology and many different situations generating information that in some moments, when one more bit of information crosses my brain, I am discombobulated, in flux and my brain, heart and spirit just doesn’t want to participate anymore at that time.   I truly hear and feel ‘no more’.  ‘Can not’.

As I type this and then read what I am sharing, I find myself aware of not really loving this and/or even admitting this.

And, I also believe that plenty of us are feeling this way in our own ways.

So, I invite my own silence to come alive and be with me.  I so love my silence just now.  I need it.  I crave it.  It heals and allows me to hear myself.  It opens an opportunity to realize what is mine to process and what is not mine.

I care deeply.  I care about our world, its people, the environment, the animals, our children, et al.  I care about You.  I care about Us.  I care about Me.  I care.

I am the type of person that feels deeply within myself another’s pain; another’s joy.  I feel best about myself when I can support what I can and what shows up in my world to be supported.  This is when I feel most ‘high’.

I live for the times when I experience someone, or a situation, is better within the best dynamic way of being.  This lifts me up.

I took a test once regarding what do I want to be when I grow up.  The results were in the community in a profession where I could be of help.  It first brought me to Personal Training and then to Life Coaching.  When I first heard the words ‘life coaching’ at a Fitness Seminar, a bell went off for me and knew I had to go after it.

I’m getting off track of the TMI subject (or maybe I’m more there than I think – Ha). 

I believe that as all this TMI is showing up, it just may be asking (forcing) us to go within.  Go within to our own beliefs, experiences, silence and sometimes even our own chaos within that could use a good clearing out and letting go of.

I often read the sentence this time of year that “the trees are showing us how beautiful it is to let go”.  The colorful leaves against the blue sky floating down and letting go.

May you let go of what isn’t yours or of You.

May you let go by asking yourself ‘what is my goal in this moment’ and focusing on this.  Let every other thought and situation go but the goal you are choosing in this moment.       If you feel confusion or overwhelm,

May you focus on your goal in this moment.  It can be to take a sip of water, to study, to make a call, to breathe, to relax your body, to move your body, to do one thing — whatever this very moment goal is — live in it fully now.  And, do this again and again and again.

Always come back to You and what is going on with You.

You may want to step out of yourself [so to speak] and watch yourself.  Are you in the best and most loving of You now…   Is there something you can change…  Are you focused on the goal in this moment being as kind and gentle with yourself as possible…

You are the power of You.  You have the power of You.  You were born to live the You that connects to the you that You most enjoy being.  The beingness of You is yours.

May you choose You.

In this, the offering of being You is endless, beautiful, powerful, empowering, loving, peaceful, exciting and right on.  Be cool.  Be You.

You uplift and live in the flow of life every time you live true, loving You.  You can be You in everything you hear, know, live and experience.

May you give this gift to yourself and to those you love and those you will never even meet. You matter this much.  Your energy speaks volumes and across distances.

Thank You.