Here’s something to think about maybe… It has been said that we think 60K to 80K thoughts per day. And, 90% of them are the same thoughts each day…
Oh my! Pretty interesting. Feels something of truth to me if not complete truth. We are habitual creatures. We ‘fall’ in and out of habits. Staying in a habit seems to be way more easily done that changing and/or transforming a habit.
Becoming aware of a habit that we want to change and doing so is not impossible. It may take work of super proportions. And, at times, when we are truly ready for the change/transformation, it can prove somewhat easy. Especially through awareness, desire, knowledge, wisdom, truth, openness and support. Oh, it can happen and does.
And, it has even been known that the habit changes without us even knowing because we change or our life changes.
Whatever it takes, if you want to change your thinking – more to love, uplifting, joy and to meet the life that is You(rs) now and that You wish to create, it is so doable. You are so doable. You are so able.
May you be aware of your thoughts as much as possible. If they don’t produce an outcome that you enjoy, release them or change them up. If they produce a joyful feeling, yay on You. !!
Thoughtful thinking… Put a light on your thoughts and dig in.!.
How are your thoughts working for You?