This moment now, as it is happening; as I am experiencing it; as I bring my full self into it with my full awareness and presence, I am okay.

I am breathing.  I am alive.  I am human.  I am participating.  I am present.  I am happening.  I am Me.

Whatever this looks like, feels like, shows up as, brings into my life and the response I am choosing, I am okay.

Underneath it all, above it all, in it all, I can know and connect to my being okay.

I may not love the experience just now.  I may be filled with joy.  Experiences definitely feel different and, yet, at the core of my life and living – at the most basic of being alive – I am okay.

May you realize You being okay from the core of your beingness.

May you feel your life (You) underneath, or is it above, all that is happening and connect to the You that is present and okay.

Look at all you have been through and have come through.  Feel all the wonderful moments that will forever be a part of you and who you are.

Walk in your okayness that is always with you; at the center and basis of everything You.  Let this moment and each moment going forward be lived through your unique, whole presence [of mind, body and spirit] with truth, trust, love and kindness; as much and as often as possible.

This, I wish for You.  This, I know is in You.  This, I hope brings the best possible ‘gentle strength’ of You forth.