Lighten up! Shake your body. Muss your hair… If a thought you are thinking doesn’t feel good on/in/or to you, let it go… It is this easy and this complex.
Oh, the colors of each of us. We are gold. We are silver. We are black. We are white. We are multiple colors. We are shades of one color.
I love me a light show of colors. The beams, the twirls, the dots, the open spaces, the light and the dark.
Our true essence is unique to each one of us. There are no two of us alike.
To be who we are and live as we are meant to is freedom like nothing else; like no one else.
May You free your mind, body and spirit and feel your true essence rise up from the depth of yourself into the space that is You(rs).
May You get out of your own way. Hang loose. Lighten up. Let it go. Be.
Let the complexity of You be easy.
You were born empowered. You were born free.
You were born with awareness and mindfulness built in.
Tap in and Be who You were born to Be. Be who You are.
Encourage, allow, open up to, light up, feel, be, do, become, and live all the colors that you are and that you feel to, want to, know to and can.
Color (y)our world and express yourself.
Free the thoughts that light you up, charge you up and come through your soul.