Oh, we all have ‘things’ just now that are requesting our attention; begging for a solution; bursting through to be seen, heard and/or dealt with.
The breath within our self may be changing and evolving; upgrading.
Life – with all its information flying around our heads, through our hearts and asking to be touched by our souls is bringing life a new flow for many of us; if not all of us.
The ‘thing’ that is with you just now, in this breath, may you feel into it. Go to the source. Search for information. Feel for your desire. Open to the outcome you wish to live and/or create.
If something is bothering You, go to the source. If someone is upsetting You, go to the person. If something is being asked of You, open to the truth about it within yourself. If someone is creating discomfort in You, investigate within Yourself. If you want to or can, deal with this ‘it’ as fully, truly and kindly as you can.
Heart to hearts. Mind to minds. Soul to souls. This is where our best life exists and permeates from.
The source. It is within us. Raw, authentic You. Be with each experience of You.
This invites change, growth, healing, resourcefulness, creativity, love and being the best of what is You and what is for You.
The ‘thing(s)’. Face it head on. Feel it full on. Stay with the truth of it. Walk on and through the path of it. Live it from all that You are.
Now is the time.
You being You. Your connections. Your love. Your soul. Your heart. Your mind. YOU.
Through everything You, live in and on.
Experience You as fully, truthfully, openly, honestly, and wholly (as possible) through your kindness, trust, strength, gentleness, wisdom and vulnerability.
The ‘Thing(s)’ that call(s). May you answer. Authentically. Lovingly. You.