There has been a quietness in my life. It just happened. I wasn’t looking for it. I wasn’t consciously creating it. Change just happened.
My friends and family that texted me regularly – most of them became so busy and ‘caught up’ in their own life, that daily morning and evening texts and connections changed/slowed way down over the last several months.
At first, I felt lonely/different. I also felt that I wanted to honor their time and lives, so I would say to them that we will talk when we are supposed to. We will connect when we are supposed to. I didn’t reach out too often on my end either as I told myself that I didn’t want to pull them away from what they were doing. They had some life changing things going on and they were/are learning how to create the way to open to it, enjoy it, become it, be it and live it. I want to always honor and/or hold space for my loved ones to be/do the best that they can be/do and not pressure them or add pressure into their lives to be/do anything but that.
It wasn’t just one or two, it was the majority of my ‘inner circle’.
I know they love me greatly. They know I love them always. We know this because we speak it regularly and we have showed up for each other when showing up was what was most helpful and supportive; as we were available and able to in the way(s) we were available and able to do so.
I sat with this information and change for a while. I felt it. I shared my feelings. I asked it I was handling it correctly in their eyes. Was I making it up or was it really happening… It was confirmed by each one of them. They were glad that I noticed and grateful for the way I reacted. They still felt supported each of them told me.
I sat a bit longer with this. I felt it. I asked for wisdom. I went deeper. I expanded into myself. I asked for guidance, reasons, inner wisdom and knowledge.
What has finally worked itself through me is that as I stand in my truth, feel my own needs, strengthen my own wisdom and self-care, I became fulfilled into and through my own beingness.
I have realized and hear myself saying that there is no need to share or talk about any and all things I am experiencing and feeling with anyone. I can process and live me. Create the me that is coming forth and honor and hold space for myself also. This, in fact, is where the most magic is.
There is no need to talk to anyone but the person I’m feeling a certain way about.. The experience I am experiencing needs only to be addressed in the present experience of it.. The questions, if there are any, need only be addressed to the thing or person I find myself questioning.
No one or no thing can give me the answer but with the what is of what is happening. Go to the source. Open to the source. Dive into the source. Be the source. Live in my truth with the source.
Again, more magic.
And, the very best that comes from this, for me, is to be one with, flow on, live in, follow through, create inward, open outward through each source that shows itself my truth of me.
This is where the answers lie. This is where life lives. This is where I grow as me. This is where fulfillment happens. This is It.
Address what is with who and/or what is.
Where I find myself – open to it fully. Who I find myself with – follow through with love and truth. What I am becoming, bring my faith, knowledge, wisdom and tools to. My open heart awaits.
This is me and my life.
Where you find yourself – open to it fully. Who you find yourself with – follow through with love and truth. What you are becoming, bring your faith, knowledge, wisdom and tools to. Await with your open heart.
This is You and Your life.
Live it or don’t. Know and own that you are the common denominator. You are connected to the source of the highest wisdom and so is every body and every thing.
Theirs. Yours. Mine. Ours.
Connect where the connection is the most plausible and creates and lives in the truth of the reality that is fulfilling, true, real, raw, open, vulnerable and dang right happening.
This is where we are the phoenix coming out of the ashes. Our true self coming out through our truest of self.
The greatest of the great life available to You.
Honor yourself. Honor others. Honor life. Honor the source of everything You. Honor the source of everything that shows up for you to experience.