As I type this, I am sad. I have been hit with a loss, a big loss, in my family.
It hurts. It is numbing. It is sad. It is horrible. It is life.
I hear myself saying ‘I trust the process of life. God knows best.’ I can’t.. and I know I will.
That is what we do. We get ‘hit’, we get back up. We learn. We love. We trust. We hurt. We suffer. We accept and let love. Happiness shows up. All in divine timing and divine knowing. We live. Until we don’t.
I will be traveling for a bit. An unknown amount and time. I don’t see myself posting much if at all.
It is time for me to go way into my life and experience it as I am and what I feel and know.
I’m meeting my life where it is at even though I don’t really want to. I know to do so is my best way to ‘surrender and be’ and this is when I can feel the greatest of love.
I will be back. I will be sending love and being love in and through as much as I can.
May you meet your life where you and it are at. Surrender to and allow your love to fill you in all that you are and do.
Will be meeting your heart through my own. Meeting you at the place inside of each of us that knows, that breathes, that innately loves and is.
Until we meet again
Be oh so good to yourself.
Be oh so kind to yourself.
Love yourself as deeply and fully as possible.
Truth and Trust.
Love. Just love and Be U…
Thank You.