Everyone, here now, reading this is a ‘survivor’.  As I write this, I, too, am a survivor.

We have 100%, thus far, survived through all we have been shown, experienced, created, given and challenged with.  How awesome we are.

The word ‘survivor’ can be and is used in many ways.  What is most familiar to me is a cancer survivor.  The Survivor TV show.  Surviving in the wilderness.  Surviving great losses.  Surviving hardship.  We certainly all have survived unexpected changes.

As we stand here with who we have been, who we are now and in an energy of who we are becoming, it can be (perhaps) realized what these lessons and changes have added to our lives.

Do we know ourselves better…  are we stronger…  have we grown…  Is there a more openness/surrender to life itself within us…   Have we become kinder and/or gentler…   Are we less or more trusting, more aware…

One thing for sure that I am is true and vulnerable; real.  I am less reactive.   More go with the flow and see where it takes me.  I keep my honesty, truth and love on my side, I feel safer and open to explore and to adventure… to own my ownership in my experiences and relationships.

As we survive, we own who we want to be and our reaction to change.  This can be a beautiful freedom.

May you listen to your instinct, yourself and your internal wisdom.  You are the only one who lives, experiences, witnesses and changes in your own unique way.  

Power You up, through and forward.

Being You as You happening is a goal, a way; extraordinary.

Let love.  Be love.  Share love.  Create love.

In this, you are most striking and impactful for your life, others’ lives, the world and everything of the universe.  Your energy and how you bind to it matters.

Let your surviving be an act of self-love, self-care, self-ownership, self-empowerment.  Healing does not always mean free of dis-ease.  It can be knowing dis-ease and inviting as much ease as possible. 

Let your heart flow,  your soul soar and your spirit fly.   Travel deep inside where your connection to all that is You be free to be so.

You were born for this journey.

May you stay in the calm underneath, or is it above, all that is yours to experience and trust yourself to be fully present in the way you can best present your life through the wholeness of being You.

Mind/ Body/Spirit as one working, living, breathing and being.

I wish you calm in the storm.  Light in the dark.  Beauty in the UnFun.

You choose.  May you choose your way of living and know that You can be the one watching the thinking, action and being the energy that is You(rs).