Full Supermoon Magic…
May your challenges dissipate and your happy energy serve to create your dreams.
This is a high energetic time for our world and universe; for You. Some say there are portals open to create and recreate what we truly want in our lives; what is supposed to be ours from our innate knowing.
Change and possibilities are high just now. All you need do is take one step and the rest will flow, perhaps, way more easy than one could imagine. It is often the one step that we take or don’t take that can make all the difference.
May you listen to your inner wisdom – what calls to You. May You step into it, on it, out of it, through it. May you step away from what doesn’t feel fulfilling, happy, uplifting or representing of You.
May you ‘grab on’ to the best of You and build and carry forth your life’s joy and purpose.
May you GO for You. !!