I do not feel how my mind is telling me I want to feel.  I have a tightness within myself; a discomfort throughout myself.   A constant, steady ache visiting me.  Scleroderma is,  perhaps, awake in me just now and I do not feel like I am having much fun.

I have at least two choices.  One – I can choose to completely not like it and want it to be completely different (suffering).  Two – I can accept it and go with it (pain).

I can breathe into the pain and even talk to it.  I can experience it and do what feels best for me in this ‘pain’.  I can ask it what it is trying to tell me and silently listen for an answer and/or be open to a ‘knowing’ that may be present.  For me, it has become about relaxing deeply into as much as I am able.

Suffering is about not wanting what is.  When I want to be ‘there’ instead of ‘here’, I can create suffering.  I can choose to want to be ‘there’, however, with an acceptance of what is now.  I can move through and forward accepting my truth.  Honoring my truth.  It creates a space where growth can happen through acceptance and allow the suffering to dissipate/dissolve.

I did not always know how powerful our human bodies are.  I have learned how wise and powerful they can be.

Pain hurts.  I have taught myself to learn to do whatever it takes to get rid of it and not have it.   One of my self-established mantras was “I will try anything when I am in pain.”  I meant in ‘doing’ anything.  I have now been in the ‘being’ of it moreso.

There is great growth, lessons, love and understanding in being with our truth and/or pain.

May you teach yourself to not let suffering stay too long.  Recognize it and address it.

When pain happens, honor it and be gentle with it.

It may be worth a try.  You know best for You.

Pain and suffering do not have to be lived in unison.

Honor You.  Honor your Life.  Honor what is.  Honor your feelings.

May you let an openness of your heart, mind and being flow within everything that your life experiences.  May your experiences be most joyful as possible.