I often say ‘speak your truth’. ‘This is my truth.’ We are so living in our truth whether we acknowledge the fullness of it or not. I so believe it is best to live it out loud through as much trust and love as possible.
When I say to speak your truth, it is not a truth of another or outside of You. It is the truth within You that is about You. What you are feeling inside of You and regarding Your life.
This is the truth I speak of to speak about.
It is a ‘me’ thing. It is an ‘I am’ thing.
It is not what is a truth of another in a situation or experience. It is the truth that rises up within You in a situation or experience. The truth that shows up about how You feel. It is a truth about being You in each moment.
At times, my own truth, I don’t always know 100% for sure; for certain.
How could I possibly speak the whole truth of another or about another..
It is my truth that defines me. How we see people and situations is through our truth. We do not live inside another so how could we possibly know their lifetime story.
As I ‘know’ (and have lived thus far) my lifetime story, it is highly likely that my mind has made up some thoughts that had/has little to do with 100% truth of same.
When I offer for you to speak your truth, it is my wish that you are willing to realize what You are feeling, what You are experiencing, how You are reacting.
Are you experiencing your truth of life through love… Owning your truth about what, why, when and/or how is taking responsibility and owning your life. When we take ownership of our life – the result(s) could be the miracles and magic we seek and, yet, are already inside of us.
You are the common denominator in everything and with everything that is your life.
May you bring honor, grace, vulnerability, openness, love and trust with your truth out into everything You do and are. This is about You. You really are the center of your universe. We all are. We are mere ‘specks’ and yet the entire universe is within us. We come from it. We live through what we choose to bring into what is shown, given, changed, persevered, challenging, in front of and unique unto each of us.
This being human can surely show as a conundrum. Life can mystify us. Staying in our loving truth keeps us living in and as the best of our own humanness.
If fear, ugliness, meanness or harshness is what You are experiencing, it is highly possible there is a deeper truth asking and battling within yourself to come out.
May You let your deepest truths about You be processed through your own adult, non-judgmental self. Let the beauty of You have the opportunity and breath to rise up and reach for the stars and unlimited, awesome, amazing, harmonious You.