What is a soul? To me, my soul is my intuition, my gut feeling, my inner knowing, the ‘energy’ that calls me to be the real me; the me I was born to be.
I know I am living from my soul when I feel fulfilled. I feel whole. I feel in the flow of myself and my life.
When I live through my soul and connect to my heart and invite my mind, I am the most Me that I can be.
As I breathe and engage with my quiet beingness and relax into what I am feeling, I create the truest, most wise, most joyful version of Me.
I connect to and walk the path that I am supposed to be walking.
Fear cannot survive here. I thrive here. Life and what is supposed to be for me surfaces and shows itself. Truth guides me. I am able to open to my own allowance of ‘what is’ and blend my truth, my feelings, my dreams and my beingness together creating my best way of living through all of Me.
It is my soul-filled reality that is my magic, my superpower, my loving way, my kindness, my wisdom and my unique Me-ness.
May you tap into your soul-filled reality and enjoy your magic, own your superpower, be the love that is you(rs), show kindness towards yourself and others, be wise and live deep from your unique You-ness.
Soul-filled reality always wins in the moment and grows us forward and uplifts us All. !
The patterns, the flow, the colors, the immenseness; the highs, the lows, the closeness, the reach — let it all start from ‘what is’ and blend into ‘what is’ — your truth, your feelings, your dreams through your soul-filled, heartfelt, mindful and ultra true and unique way. Y O U are the most awesome Just by Being You.