It is a really good time to do what is good for your soul.

Be the sole keeper of your soul here on Earth.

Feel it.  Connect to it.  Embrace it.  Listen to it.  Hear it.  Respond as only your love can.

With changes and moments anew and happening, your soul remains solely to guide You to be You.

The beauty of You.  The gratitude and appreciation for You and Your life.

The love, the magic, the wisdom, the care, the kindness and the truth of You.

Your feelings.  Your way.  Your wisdom.  Your strength.  Your guidance.  Your everything.

May you be everything ‘You’ through all of these things.

Feed your soul and allow your soul to feed You.

Soul – “high-mindedness; noble warmth of feeling, spirit or courage, etc.”  “conscious, intelligence, individuality, essence, force” source: dictionary

Everything you need for this lifetime can be guided by your sole/soul’s knowing.  May you let it be so.

May you let your soul guide you to soar.

To soar is to be vulnerable, authentic, open, mindful, grateful, honorable and graciously true to being You and to all living things.