May you check in with ‘self’; your self.
Change and information is coming at us, to us, for us at at a brisk, almost constant, usually new and, often, inindblowing ways. Many of us are being asked (forced) to change.
It is important to me to mourn my old self as I enter this new world that I am experiencing as such It is important to realize the things I did and my way of living that ‘always’ worked for me in the past is not working for me just now. I offer them gratitude and let go so I can be fully open to creating and discovering what works best for me now.
My underlying goal has, almost always and forever, been to be at peace during chaos and it remains my goal now. I have achieved this goal often. I have not achieved it always and to the point that I know how to hold on to it and keep it through all things.
I hear myself telling myself that this is the human way. UnPeace, while it can be UnFun, is a great catalyst for deep curiosity, inner- and under- standing, searching, creating and open to other (better) possibilities that work, uplift and honor better ways of life and living going forward.
I wish you peace in chaos if that is your desire.
I wish for you your open heart and mind to participate in creating and discovering what is best for your highest good; your most joyful, being real, self.
May you check in with your self and open, adapt and accept your raw and real truth From this acknowledgment and ownership of same, may you experience and witness self-realization of where you best belong, what you do best, who you best are and joy bubbling up through you and around you. Peace in any chaos, as much and as often as possible. Let your love lead.
You matter. I care.
As we all tap in to our own empowering and uplifting [now and new] choices, perhaps, the energy, vibe and ‘best of’ will live in and shine out through us all. Individually, together; connection. One.