Oh these are some days! These are unique times. It is now that our lives are changing, adapting, growing and participating in fast but deep depths.
The depth of the life we have lived in; are living in; and opening up to new depths to live out from.
From just two years ago (even longer) till now, there is not much that remains stable, same or linear.
It is known that our own DNA can change; scientifically change, through experiences of new thoughts, reactions and studying our humanness. We know microscopic and massive change.
We know change of minute and huge proportions. Like when the whole world was lit up with a virus in a way that we never lived as a whole Earth before.
What is happening over there can greatly affect us over here. We 100% know this now. We’ve lived in out loud.
We can change a thought purposefully and we can change our perspective and the way we feel instantaneously.
We are learning a new way of co-existing. I believe we are co-existing better when we consider what other lives are experiencing and living as and through.
When I own that everything I think, feel and experience comes from within myself — Wow. It is a truth that wows me. It is great news and it is challenging news.
If something is not in me to connect to something outside of myself, I respond one way. When something is in me that something outside of me ‘triggers’ or connects to, I am touched deeper within this ‘something’.
Breathe. Just breathe through your own uniqueness. Let it be so. Love it. Love yourself. Let your love be behind everything that is even in the moments or experiences that are impossible to love.
Underneath (or it is above) it all, there You are.
Be this You. The You that can watch your breath, change your own mind and reactions and connect to the love that is You(rs).
Your uniqueness. Let it set in and live out with your own love.
Be the beauty that You want to live in, with, around and through.
Empowering You. I so wish to tap into the part of you that empowers You.