What we ‘see’ is what we see. How we process what we see defines and creates how we feel.
Each of us can look at the same thing and a lot of the time we can see it differently than one another. One day I can look at something and see one thing. The next day. or even in another moment, I can look at that same one thing and process what I am seeing differently than I previously did.
It depends on our moods. It depends on what is going on in our life. It depends if we only look at that one thing or do we have a few or a million other things going on at the same time. What happened the moment or moments before this present experience…
What I experience is very often how I see things. How I see things if often what I experience.
Definitely, what we tell ourselves about what we see will create and define what we feel about it.
If you choose to listen, what is it you hear you telling yourself. What thoughts and descriptions do you apply to the experiences and the things that you witness and see…
Are you a person that believes in good happening or not so good happening; automatically. What you tell yourself, is it true in the very moment you hear yourself telling yourself about it?
Can you realize if what you are saying to yourself is repetitive or habitual… Is is, possibly, a learned response.
Can you be open to taking a deep breath and look at something that you may not feel good about and retell yourself the story or think about the same thing in a different way… A way that feels the best it can feel on you…
How are You ‘processing’ today? May you notice and choose your ‘best of’ choices.
May you be aware of the thoughts you are thinking; the stories you are telling yourself; and be open to the best of/for #You option(s) to choose.
Come from your place of peace and calm. Know that you being gentle can be so powerful. Know that you can be the peace in any chaos.
I so want to encourage the best of You to be so. Your awesome is present. Your awesome awaits.