Each one of us can only ‘see’ from and through our own life experiences.  I can only see through who I am and what I have known and experienced.  You can only see through who You are and what you have known and experienced.  What we all tell ourselves is pretty much where our own reactions come from.

Oh, we can learn so much open to seeing through each other’s eyes, heart, wisdom and experiences.

And, as we open to seeing things differently, we can learn new ways of being.

It is especially helpful for this awareness when what we are seeing is hurtful to anyone involved.

For example, when I felt hurt because I told myself I was not being seen, heard or cared about And I shared this with the person that ‘was doing it to me’.. through conversation we opened up to understanding, openness and even new ways of doing things to support each other.

Most of us love and do want to support one another.  It is often unknowingly that some of our actions can be hurtful to another.  To discuss this openly and wanting to be helpful and to show we care, when we discuss what each is experiencing, we can do different.

I could do one same thing to five people, each person will respond differently in some way.

Five people could act in the same way as each other and if it is something that I believe in and do not like, it is me responding negatively.  I am the common denominator.  If I didn’t care and/or definitely not feel and believe what is being shown/told me, I either wouldn’t react negatively or have no reaction at all.  It just doesn’t affect me because it isn’t true for me.

If it bothered me that I had a pimple on my nose and someone brought it up, I just may dislike it more and immediately think the person ‘mean’.  If it didn’t bother me because I knew it would go away and I still allowed myself to feel good about myself regardless, their bringing it up would not affect me and, certainly, I would not respond negatively.  It would be no big deal.

People don’t make me feel a certain way without my permission.

Perhaps, people don’t make you feel a certain way without your permission.

May you be open to what affects you negatively and see the possible truth in you that makes it so.

May you realize your reaction you have control over.  Your response is totally yours.  What someone else says does not make you feel what you feel.  You do; for the most part.

Perhaps, play with this idea and see how it feels on You.  How are you reacting now.  Can you breathe and watch your response and where in your body and/or beliefs is the reaction coming from…

Sending so much love to love yourself through.  To respond in a way that feels loving and most enjoyable/empowering to You.  I believe in You.  You are this powerful.