June is Scleroderma Awareness month. All throughout my Facebook newsfeed, I am seeing information, stories and experiences regarding scleroderma.
Scleroderma means ‘scarring of the skin’. Some refer to the bible where it reads about people turning to stone. Scleroderma is about producing too much collagen and it makes connective tissue hard and unyielding. It is a dis-ease of the autoimmune system.
I have had it since I was 17. I am in my 45th year of it. I have learned to not claim it as ‘my’ dis-ease but a dis-ease and it is a part of my every day life.
I don’t consider it fun ever. I do know that it has brought me to my knees and into the depth of life, living, being human and an awareness that, most likely, never would have been possible if not for this dis-ease. It has opened me to the core of my being; again and again and again.
It started off as ‘Raynauds’ which is purple and/or white fingers – numb and painful because of the lack of blood circulation due to cold and/or stress. My fingers are tight, stiff and my nails and my fingertips have deteriorated because of the lack of a healthy blood flow to them.
Ulcers pop up on fingers and elsewhere for some and they are so very painful and it takes a very long time to go away. OUCH.
To pick up change, to put on make up, to get dressed, to empty the dishwasher, to grasp, to turn things on or off can be a real challenge. One day I had lunch with another person with scleroderma and when we went to open the new ketchup bottle we had to laugh as it was not going to happen through either one of us. To take a shower, I have to talk myself into it as the cold I feel afterwards takes tremendous energy from me.
I find no fun or ease in writing about this. I feel shame because of my inability in doing simple things. I feel frustration as it takes me much longer to do everyday ‘normal’ things that can often be taken for granted.
It attacks the appearance of my face as my skin on my face is so tight. It feels like I have ‘spanx’ on all over my body. It feels like my skin is too small for my muscular skeletal body.
It can affect every organ. It can affect and tighten the throat where I know some that have had to get their throats stretched just to be able to eat. It can and does kill.
I believe because of my exercising and my love and constant search for peace within, I am one of the lucky ones. I often remind myself this; especially the times when I am Not feeling so lucky.
When I was first diagnosed (which took five years) most doctors did not know of scleroderma. I have taught and shared it with many professionals. Now, most doctors have heard of it. Many do not have any patients of their own with it. Even the scleroderma experts do not have great knowledge of changing and definitely not of healing it. I find it is usually a trial and error dance between medicine and my own wisdom.
Because there is no known cure, I have for several decades now, told myself it is an ‘inside job’ to do the best I can to listen, respond, nurture, learn, experience and love myself through it.
What may help one scleroderma patient does not often help another. Each system and illness experienced is unique for each person.
More women than men have it by a large percentage.
May you let the uniqueness of You and your experiences walk through the truth and innate wisdom that is etched inside of You. For illness, dis-ease, life, living and You being You.