Rise Up from the melancholy and dew.
Today is a day for you to be You.
Honor what is. Accept what it’s about.
Gather your love and truth and have not a doubt.
Today is Your day…
How you play, what you say, may you do it with gusto – do it with confidence.
It is time for us all to rise up to the call.
Just love is what is being asked of us all.
May you free yourself from anything that is not of You.
May you go towards everything that feels like You.
You being You is a magical miracle in itself. You are the only one anywhere ever that can.
Shake yourself free. Shine yourself up.
Be the diamond that You are. You will go far.
With each of us stepping as such
We will lift the bar.
Raise the vibration.
You now know the magical miracle that you are.
May you know and experience the magical miracle that is uniquely You(rs).