We all have feelings that come and go. We all have feelings that we are more familiar with than others. We all have feelings that we enjoy more than others. Sometimes, we tell ourselves they are not there, they are not real, they are stupid, they don’t matter. Did you ever say the word ‘whatever‘…
Our feelings ripple into everything we do whether we are conscious of them or not. Our feelings, when we bury them, do not go away. They become a part of us. Often a heavy part of us until we deal with them by feeling them and letting them go. Processing them. Sometimes, we invite dis-ease without even being aware if we bury them too deep or hold on to them too long.
It is best to process by embracing, allowing and experiencing them as they come up through the utmost truth of our experience of them. Through love is a loving way to go. Sometimes, it feels better through anger, angst, tears, movement, vocals and other more strenuous ways. We can still invite love to process with us.
Whatever you are feeling, allow it. Be gentle. It is yours to own or it wouldn’t be present. Go with it and as it passes, just maybe you will learn something of great value – You.